Hello! I'm Monica Elias, a Catholic Time, Self-Care and Productivity Coach for women. I live in regional NSW, Australia with my husband and 4 children. I am completing a certification with Time Hackers to be a Time Coach and am excited to be the first to bring these incredible tools to the Catholic world and combine the concepts with the authentically Catholic foundation laid by my Metanoia Catholic certification. I am living my best life when I create space to read voraciously, get outside and kayak, cycle, walk, hike, garden, or play basketball, and to spend some time alone and think deeply. I have relished the challenge of becoming an entrepreneur and I love learning about business, personal development, and growing my coaching skills.
Your time is your LIFE. If you want to change anything in your life, it's going to come back to a decision about how you spend your time. Changing your relationship with time changes everything. I coach many of my clients on phone/ tech habits, making space for self-care, procrastination, productivity, self-talk, and discernment. Ultimately, what we work on together are the fundamentals of Catholic Time Stewardship: decision making (prudence), a mindset of greatness over comfort (temperance), stewardship (justice) and your relationship with fear and failure (fortitude). In our 6 months working 1:1 together, I'll teach you that virtue is the ultimate time hack, your brain is the #1 time tool that God has given you, and the art of getting things done and following through. Your life MATTERS. Your desires matter. You matter. Your time matters. It matters whether you feel fully alive and invigorated and deeply engaged in your life. Ready to start taking yourself and your sainthood seriously like never before? Let's talk.